From TUDOS-Wiki
Quick guide to get the system compiled, without much explanation.
- Get the sources
- hello is a simple set of programs, l4linux-2.6-env is everything needed for L4Linux.
$ cd /path/to/src $ svn checkout -N http://svn.tudos.org/repos/tudos/trunk tudos $ cd tudos $ ./repomgr co hello $ ./repomgr co l4linux-2.6-env
- L4Env: Create a build directory and configure
$ mkdir /path/to/obj/tudos $ cd /path/to/src/tudos/l4 $ make O=/path/to/obj/tudos oldconfig
- L4Env: Build
$ make O=/path/to/obj/tudos
- Fiasco: Create build directory, configure and build
$ cd /path/to/src/tudos/kernel/fiasco $ make BUILDDIR=build-ia32 $ cd build-ia32 $ make
- L4Linux
- Get the source, configure and build
$ cd /path/to/src $ svn co http://svn.tudos.org/repos/l4linux/trunk l4linux-2.6 $ cd l4linux-2.6 $ make O=/path/to/obj/l4linux x86-ux_defconfig $ make O=/path/to/obj/l4linux